VW Club Fall Tour 2019

Not even the surprise showers on Saturday morning could dampen the spirits of the club members who gathered at McDonald’s in Excelsior for the October 19 Fall Tour to Watertown.

Rich led us along a scenic route of winding roads through beautiful west suburban neighborhoods on our way to Watertown.  It was a gorgeous sunny day and the trees were in full autumn color. After all the rainy, cold weather, this day was nearly perfect.

Hooked on Classics is a unpretentious business with a showroom full of classic cars, trucks, and motorcycles of all makes and models. Temptations lurked everywhere, and our time there passed quickly.

We arrived at the Luce Line Orchard just in time to park our cars and enjoy the complimentary  fresh-grilled lunch served by the orchard staff to our club members. We dined outside and enjoyed the sunshine and fresh country air.  While we ate, our display of cars drew quite a crowd of admirers, young and old. Someone even asked if we were hired to come as an added attraction!  It was a wonderful fall tour.  Thanks, Rich, for organizing this for us.

Member cars lined up
Parking on the front lawn of the home of the apple orchard’s owners, Rich & Terri Pawelk
Parking on the front lawn of the home of the apple orchard’s owners, Rich & Terri Pawelk
Parking on the front lawn of the home of the apple orchard’s owners, Rich & Terri Pawelk

Written by Cindy Zipf, 2019

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