With another year of VW events behind us and a new year to come with some new events and of course the good oldies too.

The spring swap meet in Montrose, Open House and Further Performance, Bug-In at Luther’s Westside Volkswagen, Fall Show at Luther’s Burnsville Volkswagen and the Fall Tour. With our many burger runs and new events, this year will have something for everyone.
Last night we had our year end holiday dinner at Jamison’s Restaurant in St. Paul. The weather was a nice 19 degrees and the turnout was good – 48 members! Brian Rubenzer is the owner and he’s the son of members Ken & Lynn Rubenzer.
We started with a lot of VW talk and other conversation. Then onto the food, Brian and his crew had an excellent buffet set up not just German food, but an Irish dish too. Luther Westside donated some door prizes, and also Barry Lindahl called on Inver Grove Volkswagen for donations and they came up with all kinds of gifts. Gifts were also brought in by Barry Lindahl and some very unique VW cards handmade by Elaine Anderson.
I started to give my annual speech and learned I left my notes at home. There was so much to talk about this last year! The spring swap meet, Bug-In 36, burger runs and the fall tour and so many more events. Of course, the volunteers that help with all the shows and more. First I have to thank Cindy Zipf – she does the website and all the email blasts; without her no one would have known about any of the events. I dropped the ball last year and we did not have any newsletters; I hope to do a better job this year. I’m still looking for help with the newsletter.
Our first meeting of the new year will be Wednesday, February 1. That’s when we plan the coming year’s events. If you know of something the club might be interested in please show up and let us know!
Written by Rich Meyer