Last week’s meeting had a full house with over 21 members and two new members showing up. The new time of the meetings caught a few off guard. We now meet at 6:30, not 7:00. The dealership has a new closing time of 8:00.
Dan Hughes started us off with an update on the club jackets. The logo and the brand of the jackets have been picked out, and a chart with sizes, colors and prices will be sent out soon. Also a new club had is almost ready to go.

The April swap meet at Minnesota German AutoWerks (MGA) in Montrose is coming up fast on April 22nd. And now that the snow is gone (or mostly gone!) we can get into our sheds to get those extra parts loaded to sell. There should be some parts that you can’t live without at the swap that you can buy to finish a project. As always Robb will have a free lunch on site. This meet is getting bigger every year, and this one should be great.
Bug-In 37 Update
Bob Frank has once again volunteered to head up a tour for all Volkswagens after the open house at Further Performance on Saturday, June 3rd, the day before the 2023 Bug-In.
This year at Bug-In 37 the feature vehicle will be VW Campers of all kinds. I’m looking for clean original campers, restored campers, unusual campers or? These Volkswagens will be showcased on the dealership show floor and special awards will be given out to them.
We will have a special tribute to Bill Jenkins, longtime VW enthusiast and all around VW guru. Some of Bill’s cars will be on display.

Deutschland Meats will once again be on site with fabulous food and beverage.